Using TNT in a Notebook

This Not That (TNT) is designed to be able to be used interactively in a notebook to make data exploration fast an easy. The goal of this quick-start guide is to quickly get you up and running with basic TNT tools in a notebook as quickly as possible. To ensure that this all works seamlessly please be sure to follow the Panel installation instructions to ensure you have panel and it’s extensions installed and working with your desired jupyter environment, be it JupyterLab or classic notebooks.

Basic Plots

The most basic thing that TNT can provide is interactive plot of data maps. Let us suppose that you have some data data_map as a numpy array produced by UMAP (or another manifold learning approach such as t-SNE, TriMAP, PyMDE or PacMAP) and you want to visualize it with TNT.

First you will need both TNT and Panel imported.

import thisnotthat as tnt
import panel as pn

Next you will need to instantiate the panel extension (which ensures more complex interactions with the plot will work):


To create a plot “pane” you can pass the BokehPlotPane the data map array.

map_plot = tnt.BokehPlotPane(data_map)

And to display the plot you can either access its pane attribute or place it within a panel layout, such as a Row or Tabs:


This will now display a plot inline in the notebook that supports zoom, pan, and selection. In this form the indices of the currently selected points can be access as map_plot.selected, with later evaluations of that attribute updating according to what is currently selected in the plot. You can also set the value of the selected attribute in another cell to select points directly – e.g. map_plot.selected = [1, 75, 124].

Colour, Marker Size, Hover Text

As basic plot is probably not as interesting as it could be. It would be good to overlay some extra information in the plot itself, such as the colour and size of points, and hover-text that can be shown as a tooltip when hovering over points in the plot. This is all supported in TNT for all of the PlotPane types. To adjust these you can use keyword arguments to the PlotPane. For example suppose we have categorical data label_vector, continuous data numeric_vector and string data text_vector such that there is an entry in each list or vector for each row in map_data. Then we can use:

map_plot = tnt.BokehPlotPane(

The PlotPane``s also support changing these interactively via the param attributes * ``labels; * marker_size; * hover_text.

Since these are Params, setting them from another cell will automatically update the plot itself. See the API documentation for other param attributes that can be used.

TNT as a Bulk Labeller

A relatively common use case for TNT is as a quick and dirty bulk-labelling approach. Labelling this way will not usually result in perfect labels, but it can get a lot of broad brush labelling done very quickly that can then be fine tuned with more careful labelling after the fact. Alternatively it can simply be used to tag clusters of points for later triage or more detailed inspection or labelling (or as irrelevant, or to be discarded). The key to getting this done is the LabelEditorWidget which supports editing an initial labelling, and adding new labels based on the current selection in the plot.

To create a LabelEditorWidget you need to pass it an initial set of labels – a list of vector of strings, one for each point in the map. This can simply be a sequence of strings "unlabelled" or similar if you wish. You can even use the labels attribute of the PlotPane if you wish. Thus assuming we have a plot pane as above we could use

label_editor = tnt.LabelEditorWidget(map_plot.labels)

You can then display the plot and the label editor inline in the notebook with

pn.Row(map_plot, label_editor)

Unfortunately this will note (yet) let you edit the plot labelling via the label editor – we need to link up the param attributes from the plot and the label editor. The easiest way to do this is to use the :py:method:`~thisnotthat.LabelEditorWidget.link_to_plot` method:


Now selecting points in the plot will enable the “New Label” button in the label editor, and selecting new colors (via the color swatch) or renaming labels (by editor the label name in the label editor) will introduce corresponding changes in the plot.

Once you are done with your labelling you can extract the label information either as a label vector from the label editor as label_editor.labels, or extract the full dataframe of information from the plot as map_plot.dataframe, which will contain the current label information.

Search and Data Views

To make exploration easier, and provide richer access to underlying data, it can be beneficial to have views of the source data that are linked to the plot, and the ability to search the data and see the results show up on the plot. TNT provides utilities to do this.

Suppose we have some source data which we can format in a dataframe called source_data. We can have a table view of the dataframe that is linked, via selections, to the plot. To add a table view under the plot we might use:

data_view = tnt.DataPane(source_data)
pn.Column(map_plot, data_view)

If, instead we want to have a richer representation of individual selected points (perhaps your source data contains complex text for example), you can an information panel which can use a markdown template and fields from the dataframe. For example we might use something like:

info_view = tnt.InformationPane(
    """# {title_text}

pn.Row(map_plot, info_view)

where title_text and body_text are column names in the source_data dataframe. The markdown can, of course, be more complicated, and format any number of fields from the dataframe.

Finally it can be very useful to be able to search for data from the source_data representation and see that search reflected in the data map. For that we have the SearchWidget which enables this. A simple example might look like:

search_pane = tnt.SearchWidget(source_data)
pn.Row(map_plot, search_pane)